Source code for fortex.spacy.spacy_processors

# Copyright 2021 The Forte Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Optional, Dict, Set, List, Any, Iterator

import spacy
from packaging import version
from import download
from spacy.language import Language

from forte.common import ProcessExecutionException, ProcessorConfigError
from forte.common.configuration import Config
from forte.common.resources import Resources
from import PackType
from import ProcessingBatcher, FixedSizeDataPackBatcher
from import DataPack
from import Annotation, Generics
from forte.processors.base import PackProcessor, FixedSizeBatchProcessor
from forte.utils import get_class
from ft.onto.base_ontology import EntityMention, Sentence, Token, Dependency

__all__ = [

IS_SPACY_3 = False
if version.parse(spacy.__version__) >= version.parse("3.0.0"):  # type: ignore
    IS_SPACY_3 = True

    "en_core_sci_sm": ""
    "en_core_sci_md": ""
    "en_core_sci_lg": ""
    "en_ner_craft_md": ""
    "en_ner_jnlpba_md": ""
    "en_ner_bc5cdr_md": ""
    "en_ner_bionlp13cg_md": ""

    "sentence": "sentencizer",
    "pos": "tagger",
    "ner": "ner",
    "dep": "parser",


        "sentence": "sentencizer",
        "lemma": "lemmatizer",

def validate_spacy_configs(configs: Config):
    Validate the configuration of spacy.
    if (
        "pos" in configs.processors
        or "lemma" in configs.processors
        or "dep" in configs.processors
        if "tokenize" not in configs.processors:
            raise ProcessorConfigError(
                "'tokenize' is necessary in configs.processors for 'pos', "
                "'lemma' or 'dep' (dependency parse)."

    if "tokenize" in configs.processors:
        if "sentence" not in configs.processors:
            raise ProcessorConfigError(
                "'sentence' is necessary in configs.processors for 'tokenize'."

    if "umls_link" in configs.processors:
        if not (configs.medical_onto_type and configs.umls_onto_type):
            raise ProcessorConfigError(
                "Please specify medical and umls link ontology types!"

        entry_type = get_class(configs.medical_onto_type)
        if not isinstance(entry_type, Annotation) and not issubclass(
            entry_type, Annotation
            raise ProcessorConfigError(
                f"Config parameter {configs.medical_onto_type} "
                f"must be an Annotation type."

        entry_type = get_class(configs.umls_onto_type)
        if not isinstance(entry_type, Generics) and not issubclass(
            entry_type, Generics
            raise ProcessorConfigError(
                f"Config parameter {configs.umls_onto_type} "
                f"must be a Generic type."

def set_up_pipe(nlp: Language, configs: Config):
    config2component = (
        if IS_SPACY_3

    if IS_SPACY_3:
        for component in configs.processors:
            if component in config2component:
                component_ = config2component[component]
                if not nlp.has_pipe(component_):
        for component in configs.processors:
            if component in config2component:
                component_ = config2component[component]
                if not nlp.has_pipe(component_):

        # Haven't studied how to use scispacy in SpaCy 3.0+.
        if "umls_link" in configs.processors:
            # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
            from scispacy.linking import EntityLinker

            name = "mesh" if configs.testing is True else "umls"
            linker = EntityLinker(resolve_abbreviations=True, name=name)

    # Remove some components to save some time.
    if configs.lang.startswith("en_core_web_sm"):
        for p in "lemma", "pos", "ner", "dep", "sentence":
            if p not in configs.processors and p in config2component:
                if nlp.has_pipe(config2component[p]):

def load_lang_model(lang_model) -> Language:
    # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
    if lang_model in CUSTOM_SPACYMODEL_URL:
        # download ScispaCy model using URL
        import subprocess
        import sys
        import os
        import importlib

        download_url = CUSTOM_SPACYMODEL_URL[lang_model]
        command = [sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install"] + [download_url]
            command, env=os.environ.copy(), encoding="utf8", check=False
        cls = importlib.import_module(lang_model)
        return cls.load()  # type: ignore
        # Use spaCy download
            nlp = spacy.load(lang_model)  # type: ignore
        except OSError:
            nlp = spacy.load(lang_model)  # type: ignore
    return nlp

class TextOnlyDataPackBatcher(FixedSizeDataPackBatcher):
    def _get_instance(self, data_pack: DataPack) -> Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]:
        yield {"text": data_pack.text}

[docs]class SpacyBatchedProcessor(FixedSizeBatchProcessor): """ This processor wraps spaCy(v2.3.x) and ScispaCy(v0.3.0) models, providing most models included in the SpaCy pipeline, such as including sentence parsing, tokenize, POS tagging, lemmatization, NER, and medical entity linking. This is the batch processing version for :class:`~fortex.spacy.SpacyProcessor`, where it supports to batching across different data packs. This processor will do user defined tasks according to configs. The supported tasks includes: - `sentence`: sentence segmentation - `tokenize`: word tokenize - `pos`: Part-of-speech tagging - `lemma`: word lemmatization - `ner`: named entity recognition - `dep`: dependency parsing - `umls_link`: medical entity linking to UMLS concepts Citation: - spaCy: Industrial-strength Natural Language Processing in Python - ScispaCy: Fast and Robust Models for Biomedical Natural Language Processing. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.processors: str = "" self.nlp: Optional[Language] = None
[docs] def initialize(self, resources: Resources, configs: Config): super().initialize(resources, configs) validate_spacy_configs(configs) if self.configs.require_gpu: spacy.require_gpu(self.configs.gpu_id) # type: ignore if self.configs.prefer_gpu: spacy.prefer_gpu(self.configs.gpu_id) # type: ignore self.nlp = load_lang_model(self.configs.lang) set_up_pipe(self.nlp, configs)
[docs] @classmethod def define_batcher(cls) -> ProcessingBatcher: """ The batcher take raw text from a fixed number of data packs. """ return TextOnlyDataPackBatcher()
[docs] def predict(self, data_batch: Dict) -> Dict[str, List[Any]]: return { "results": list( self.nlp.pipe( # type: ignore data_batch["text"], n_process=self.configs.num_processes ) ) }
[docs] def pack( self, pack: PackType, predict_results: Dict[str, Any], _: Optional[Annotation] = None, ): for result in predict_results["results"]: # Record NER results. if "ner" in self.configs.processors: process_ner(result, pack) # Process sentence and tokenize. if "sentence" in self.configs.processors: indexed_tokens = process_tokens( self.configs.processors, result.sents, pack ) # Process dependency parse. if "dep" in self.configs.processors: process_parse(result, pack, indexed_tokens) # Record medical entity linking results. if "umls_link" in self.configs.processors: linker = self.nlp.get_pipe("EntityLinker") # type: ignore process_umls_entity_linking( linker, result, self.configs.medical_onto_type, self.configs.umls_onto_type, pack, )
[docs] def record(self, record_meta: Dict[str, Set[str]]): r"""Method to add output type record of current processor to :attr:``. The processor produce different types with different settings of `processors` in config. Args: record_meta: the field in the data pack for type record that need to fill in for consistency checking. """ set_records(record_meta, self.configs)
[docs] @classmethod def default_configs(cls) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Specify additional parameters for SpaCy processor. The available parameters are: - `medical_onto_type`: defines which entry type in the input pack that the medical entity mentions should be saved as output. - `umls_onto_type`: defines which entry type in the input pack that the UMLS concept links should be saved as part of output. - `batcher.batch_size`: max size of the batch (in terms of number of data packs). - `processors`: List of strings that defines which components will be included and will be performed on the input pack, default value is `["sentence", "tokenize", "pos", "lemma"]` which performs the basic operations included in spaCy models like `en_core_web_sm`, `sentence` performs segmentation, `tokenize` will perform tokenization and pos tagging, `ner` will perform named entity recognition, `lemma` will perform lemmatization. Additional values for this list further includes: `ner` for named entity and `dep` for dependency parsing. - `lang`: language model, default is spaCy `en_core_web_sm` model. The pipeline support spaCy and ScispaCy models. A list of available spaCy models could be found at For UMLS entity linking task, ScispaCy model trained on biomedical dataset is preferred. A list of available models could be found at - `require_gpu`: whether GPU is required, default value is False. This value is directly used by - `prefer_gpu`: whether gpu is preferred, default value is False. This value is directly used by - `gpu_id`: the GPU device index to use when GPU is enabled. Default is 0. - `num_processes`: number of processes to run when using `spacy.pipe`. Default is 1. This will be passed directly to the `n_process` option. - `testing`: states whether or not the processor is being used in a test case. """ return { "medical_onto_type": "ftx.onto.clinical.MedicalEntityMention", "umls_onto_type": "ftx.onto.clinical.UMLSConceptLink", "batcher": { "batch_size": 1000, }, "processors": ["sentence", "tokenize", "pos", "lemma"], "lang": "en_core_web_sm", "require_gpu": False, "prefer_gpu": False, "gpu_id": 0, "num_processes": 1, "testing": False, }
[docs]class SpacyProcessor(PackProcessor): """ This processor wraps spaCy(v2.3.x) and ScispaCy(v0.3.0) models, providing functions including sentence parsing, tokenize, POS tagging, lemmatization, NER, and medical entity linking. This processor will do user defined tasks according to configs. The supported tasks includes: - `sentence`: sentence segmentation - `tokenize`: word tokenize - `pos`: Part-of-speech tagging - `lemma`: word lemmatization - `ner`: named entity recognition - `dep`: dependency parsing - `umls_link`: medical entity linking to UMLS concepts spaCy is a library for advanced Natural Language Processing in Python and Cython. spaCy github page: ScispaCy is a Python package containing spaCy models for processing biomedical, scientific or clinical text. ScispaCy github page: Citation: - spaCy: Industrial-strength Natural Language Processing in Python - ScispaCy: Fast and Robust Models for Biomedical Natural Language Processing. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.nlp: Optional[Language] = None
[docs] def initialize(self, resources: Resources, configs: Config): super().initialize(resources, configs) validate_spacy_configs(configs) if self.configs.require_gpu: spacy.require_gpu(self.configs.gpu_id) # type: ignore if self.configs.prefer_gpu: spacy.prefer_gpu(self.configs.gpu_id) # type: ignore self.nlp = load_lang_model(self.configs.lang) set_up_pipe(self.nlp, configs)
[docs] @classmethod def default_configs(cls): """ This defines a basic config structure for spaCy. Following are the keys for this dictionary: - `processors`: List of strings that defines which components will be included and will be performed on the input pack, default value is `["sentence", "tokenize", "pos", "lemma"]` which performs the basic operations included in spaCy models like `en_core_web_sm`, `sentence` performs segmentation, `tokenize` will perform tokenization and pos tagging, `ner` will perform named entity recognition, `lemma` will perform lemmatization. Additional values for this list further includes: `ner` for named entity and `dep` for dependency parsing. - `medical_onto_type`: defines which entry type in the input pack that the medical entity mentions should be saved as output. - `umls_onto_type`: defines which entry type in the input pack that the UMLS concept links should be saved as part of output. - `lang`: language model, default is spaCy `en_core_web_sm` model. The pipeline support spaCy and ScispaCy models. A list of available spaCy models could be found at For UMLS entity linking task, ScispaCy model trained on biomedical dataset is preferred. A list of available models could be found at - `require_gpu`: whether GPU is required, default value is False. This value is directly used by - `prefer_gpu`: whether gpu is preferred, default value is False. This value is directly used by - `gpu_id`: the GPU device index to use when GPU is enabled. Default is 0. - `testing`: states whether or not the processor is being used in a test case. Returns: A dictionary with the default config for this processor. """ return { "processors": ["sentence", "tokenize", "pos", "lemma"], "medical_onto_type": "ftx.onto.clinical.MedicalEntityMention", "umls_onto_type": "ftx.onto.clinical.UMLSConceptLink", "lang": "en_core_web_sm", "require_gpu": False, "prefer_gpu": False, "gpu_id": 0, "testing": False, }
def _process(self, input_pack: DataPack): doc = input_pack.text # Do all process. if self.nlp is None: raise ProcessExecutionException( "The SpaCy pipeline is not initialized, maybe you " "haven't called the initialization function." ) result = self.nlp(doc) # Record NER results. if "ner" in self.configs.processors: process_ner(result, input_pack) # Process sentence and tokenize. if "sentence" in self.configs.processors: indexed_tokens = process_tokens( self.configs.processors, result.sents, input_pack ) # Process dependency parse. if "dep" in self.configs.processors: process_parse(result, input_pack, indexed_tokens) # Record medical entity linking results. if "umls_link" in self.configs.processors: linker = self.nlp.get_pipe("EntityLinker") process_umls_entity_linking( linker, result, self.configs.medical_onto_type, self.configs.umls_onto_type, input_pack, )
[docs] def record(self, record_meta: Dict[str, Set[str]]): r"""Method to add output type record of current processor to :attr:``. The processor produce different types with different settings of `processors` in config. Args: record_meta: the field in the data pack for type record that need to fill in for consistency checking. """ set_records(record_meta, self.configs)
def set_records(record_meta: Dict[str, Set[str]], configs: Config): if "sentence" in configs.processors: record_meta["ft.onto.base_ontology.Sentence"] = set() if "tokenize" in configs.processors: record_meta["ft.onto.base_ontology.Token"] = set() if "pos" in configs.processors: record_meta["ft.onto.base_ontology.Token"].add("pos") if "lemma" in configs.processors: record_meta["ft.onto.base_ontology.Token"].add("lemma") if "ner" in configs.processors: record_meta["ft.onto.base_ontology.EntityMention"] = {"ner_type"} if "dep" in configs.processors: record_meta["ft.onto.base_ontology.Dependency"] = {"dep_label"} if "umls_link" in configs.processors: record_meta[configs.medical_onto_type] = {"ner_type", "umls_entities"} record_meta[configs.umls_onto_type] = { "cui", "score", "name", "definition", "tuis", "aliases", } def process_tokens( processors, sentences, input_pack: DataPack ) -> Dict[int, Token]: """Basic tokenization and post tagging of the sentence. Args: processors: List of processor names. sentences: Generator object which yields sentences in document. input_pack: input pack which needs to be modified. Returns: A mapping from SpaCy token index to Forte Token. """ indexed_tokens: Dict[int, Token] = {} for sentence in sentences: Sentence(input_pack, sentence.start_char, sentence.end_char) if "tokenize" in processors: # Iterating through spaCy token objects for word in sentence: begin_pos_word = word.idx end_pos_word = begin_pos_word + len(word.text) token = Token(input_pack, begin_pos_word, end_pos_word) if "pos" in processors: token.pos = word.tag_ if "lemma" in processors: token.lemma = word.lemma_ # Store the spacy token index to forte token mapping. indexed_tokens[word.i] = token return indexed_tokens def process_parse( result, input_pack: DataPack, indexed_tokens: Dict[int, Token] ): """ Add dependency parses to the document. Args: result: SpaCy results. input_pack: Input pack to fill. indexed_tokens: A mapping from Spacy's token id to Forte tokens. """ for token in result: head_token = indexed_tokens[token.head.i] child_token = indexed_tokens[token.i] if not token.head.i == token.i: # We don't store the self dep, which is ROOT in SpaCy. dep = Dependency(input_pack, head_token, child_token) dep.dep_label = token.dep_ def process_ner(result, input_pack: DataPack): """Perform spaCy's NER Pipeline on the document. Args: result: SpaCy results. input_pack: Input pack to fill. """ for item in result.ents: entity = EntityMention(input_pack, item.start_char, item.end_char) entity.ner_type = item.label_ def process_umls_entity_linking( linker, result, medical_onto_type, umls_onto_type, input_pack: DataPack ): """ Perform UMLS medical entity linking with EntityLinker, and store medical entity mentions and UMLS concepts. Args: linker: A Scispacy EntityLinker instance. result: SpaCy results. input_pack: Input data pack. Returns: """ medical_entities = result.ents # get medical entity mentions and UMLS concepts for item in medical_entities: medical_entity_name = get_class(medical_onto_type) medical_entity = medical_entity_name( pack=input_pack, begin=item.start_char, end=item.end_char, ) setattr(medical_entity, "ner_type", item.label_) umls_entity_name = get_class(umls_onto_type) if len(item._.kb_ents) > 0: setattr(medical_entity, "umls_link", item._.kb_ents[0][0]) for umls_ent in item._.kb_ents: cui_entity = linker.kb.cui_to_entity[umls_ent[0]] umls = {} umls["cui"] = umls_ent[0] umls["score"] = str(umls_ent[1]) umls["name"] = cui_entity.canonical_name umls["definition"] = cui_entity.definition umls["tuis"] = cui_entity.types umls["aliases"] = cui_entity.aliases umls_entity = umls_entity_name(pack=input_pack) for attribute, _ in vars(umls_entity).items(): if attribute in umls: setattr(umls_entity, attribute, umls[attribute]) getattr(medical_entity, "umls_entities").append(umls_entity)