

AllenNLP Processors


SpaCy Processors

class fortex.spacy.SpacyProcessor[source]

This processor wraps spaCy(v2.3.x) and ScispaCy(v0.3.0) models, providing functions including sentence parsing, tokenize, POS tagging, lemmatization, NER, and medical entity linking.

This processor will do user defined tasks according to configs. The supported tasks includes:

  • sentence: sentence segmentation

  • tokenize: word tokenize

  • pos: Part-of-speech tagging

  • lemma: word lemmatization

  • ner: named entity recognition

  • dep: dependency parsing

  • umls_link: medical entity linking to UMLS concepts

spaCy is a library for advanced Natural Language Processing in Python and Cython. spaCy github page:

ScispaCy is a Python package containing spaCy models for processing biomedical, scientific or clinical text. ScispaCy github page:


  • spaCy: Industrial-strength Natural Language Processing in Python

  • ScispaCy: Fast and Robust Models for Biomedical Natural Language Processing.

initialize(resources, configs)[source]

The pipeline will call the initialize method at the start of a processing. The processor and reader will be initialized with configs, and register global resources into resource. The implementation should set up the states of the component.

  • resources – A global resource register. User can register shareable resources here, for example, the vocabulary.

  • configs – The configuration passed in to set up this component.

classmethod default_configs()[source]

This defines a basic config structure for spaCy.

Following are the keys for this dictionary:

  • processors: List of strings that defines which components will be included and will be performed on the input pack, default value is [“sentence”, “tokenize”, “pos”, “lemma”] which performs the basic operations included in spaCy models like en_core_web_sm, sentence performs segmentation, tokenize will perform tokenization and pos tagging, ner will perform named entity recognition, lemma will perform lemmatization.

    Additional values for this list further includes: ner for named entity and dep for dependency parsing.

  • medical_onto_type: defines which entry type in the input pack

    that the medical entity mentions should be saved as output.

  • umls_onto_type: defines which entry type in the input pack

    that the UMLS concept links should be saved as part of output.

  • lang: language model, default is spaCy en_core_web_sm model. The pipeline support spaCy and ScispaCy models. A list of available spaCy models could be found at For UMLS entity linking task, ScispaCy model trained on biomedical dataset is preferred. A list of available models could be found at

  • require_gpu: whether GPU is required, default value is False. This value is directly used by

  • prefer_gpu: whether gpu is preferred, default value is False. This value is directly used by

  • gpu_id: the GPU device index to use when GPU is enabled. Default is 0.

  • testing: states whether or not the processor is being used in a

test case.

Returns: A dictionary with the default config for this processor.


Method to add output type record of current processor to The processor produce different types with different settings of processors in config.


record_meta – the field in the data pack for type record that need to fill in for consistency checking.

class fortex.spacy.SpacyBatchedProcessor[source]

This processor wraps spaCy(v2.3.x) and ScispaCy(v0.3.0) models, providing most models included in the SpaCy pipeline, such as including sentence parsing, tokenize, POS tagging, lemmatization, NER, and medical entity linking. This is the batch processing version for SpacyProcessor, where it supports to batching across different data packs.

This processor will do user defined tasks according to configs. The supported tasks includes:

  • sentence: sentence segmentation

  • tokenize: word tokenize

  • pos: Part-of-speech tagging

  • lemma: word lemmatization

  • ner: named entity recognition

  • dep: dependency parsing

  • umls_link: medical entity linking to UMLS concepts


  • spaCy: Industrial-strength Natural Language Processing in Python

  • ScispaCy: Fast and Robust Models for Biomedical Natural Language Processing.

initialize(resources, configs)[source]

The pipeline will call the initialize method at the start of a processing. The processor and reader will be initialized with configs, and register global resources into resource. The implementation should set up the states of the component.

  • resources – A global resource register. User can register shareable resources here, for example, the vocabulary.

  • configs – The configuration passed in to set up this component.

classmethod define_batcher()[source]

The batcher take raw text from a fixed number of data packs.


The function that task processors should implement. Make predictions for the input data_batch.


data_batch (dict) – A batch of instances in our dict format.


The prediction results in dictionary form.

pack(pack, predict_results, _=None)[source]

The function that task processors should implement. It is the custom function on how to add the predicted output back to the data pack.

  • pack – The pack to add entries or fields to.

  • predict_results – The prediction results returned by predict(). This processor will add these results to the provided pack as entry and attributes.

  • context – The context entry that the prediction is performed, and the pack operation should be performed related to this range annotation. If None, then we consider the whole data pack is used as the context.


Method to add output type record of current processor to The processor produce different types with different settings of processors in config.


record_meta – the field in the data pack for type record that need to fill in for consistency checking.

classmethod default_configs()[source]

Specify additional parameters for SpaCy processor.

The available parameters are: - medical_onto_type: defines which entry type in the input pack

that the medical entity mentions should be saved as output.

  • umls_onto_type: defines which entry type in the input pack

    that the UMLS concept links should be saved as part of output.

  • batcher.batch_size: max size of the batch (in terms of number of

    data packs).

  • processors: List of strings that defines which components will be included and will be performed on the input pack, default value is [“sentence”, “tokenize”, “pos”, “lemma”] which performs the basic operations included in spaCy models like en_core_web_sm, sentence performs segmentation, tokenize will perform tokenization and pos tagging, ner will perform named entity recognition, lemma will perform lemmatization. Additional values for this list further includes: ner for named entity and dep for dependency parsing.

  • lang: language model, default is spaCy en_core_web_sm model. The pipeline support spaCy and ScispaCy models. A list of available spaCy models could be found at For UMLS entity linking task, ScispaCy model trained on biomedical dataset is preferred. A list of available models could be found at

  • require_gpu: whether GPU is required, default value is False. This value is directly used by

  • prefer_gpu: whether gpu is preferred, default value is False. This value is directly used by

  • gpu_id: the GPU device index to use when GPU is enabled. Default is 0.

  • num_processes: number of processes to run when using spacy.pipe. Default is 1. This will be passed directly to the n_process option.

  • testing: states whether or not the processor is being used in a

test case.


NLTK Processors

class fortex.nltk.NLTKPOSTagger[source]

A wrapper of NLTK pos tagger.

initialize(resources, configs)[source]

The pipeline will call the initialize method at the start of a processing. The processor and reader will be initialized with configs, and register global resources into resource. The implementation should set up the states of the component.

  • resources – A global resource register. User can register shareable resources here, for example, the vocabulary.

  • configs – The configuration passed in to set up this component.


Method to add output type record of NLTKPOSTagger, which adds attribute pos to ft.onto.base_ontology.Token to


record_meta – the field in the datapack for type record that need to fill in for consistency checking.


Method to add expected type ft.onto.base_ontology.Token for input which would be checked before running the processor if the pipeline is initialized with enforce_consistency=True or enforce_consistency() was enabled for the pipeline.

class fortex.nltk.NLTKSentenceSegmenter[source]

A wrapper of NLTK sentence tokenizer.

initialize(resources, configs)[source]

The pipeline will call the initialize method at the start of a processing. The processor and reader will be initialized with configs, and register global resources into resource. The implementation should set up the states of the component.

  • resources – A global resource register. User can register shareable resources here, for example, the vocabulary.

  • configs – The configuration passed in to set up this component.


Method to add output type record of NLTKSentenceSegmenter, which is ft.onto.base_ontology.Sentence to


record_meta – the field in the datapack for type record that need to fill in for consistency checking.

class fortex.nltk.NLTKWordTokenizer[source]

A wrapper of NLTK word tokenizer.


Method to add output type record of NLTKWordTokenizer, which is ft.onto.base_ontology.Token, to


record_meta – the field in the datapack for type record that need to fill in for consistency checking.

class fortex.nltk.NLTKLemmatizer[source]

A wrapper of NLTK lemmatizer.

initialize(resources, configs)[source]

The pipeline will call the initialize method at the start of a processing. The processor and reader will be initialized with configs, and register global resources into resource. The implementation should set up the states of the component.

  • resources – A global resource register. User can register shareable resources here, for example, the vocabulary.

  • configs – The configuration passed in to set up this component.


Method to add output type record of NLTKLemmatizer which adds attribute lemma to ft.onto.base_ontology.Token to


record_meta – the field in the datapack for type record that need to fill in for consistency checking.


Method to add expected type ft.onto.base_ontology.Token with attribute pos which would be checked before running the processor if the pipeline is initialized with enforce_consistency=True or enforce_consistency() was enabled for the pipeline.

class fortex.nltk.NLTKChunker[source]

A wrapper of NLTK chunker.

initialize(resources, configs)[source]

The pipeline will call the initialize method at the start of a processing. The processor and reader will be initialized with configs, and register global resources into resource. The implementation should set up the states of the component.

  • resources – A global resource register. User can register shareable resources here, for example, the vocabulary.

  • configs – The configuration passed in to set up this component.

classmethod default_configs()[source]

This defines a basic config structure for NLTKChunker.


Method to add output type record of NLTKChunker which adds ft.onto.base_ontology.Phrase with attribute phrase_type to


record_meta – the field in the datapack for type record that need to fill in for consistency checking.


Method to add expected type ft.onto.base_ontology.Token` with attribute pos and ft.onto.base_ontology.Sentence which would be checked before running the processor if the pipeline is initialized with enforce_consistency=True or enforce_consistency() was enabled for the pipeline.

class fortex.nltk.NLTKNER[source]

A wrapper of NLTK NER.

initialize(resources, configs)[source]

The pipeline will call the initialize method at the start of a processing. The processor and reader will be initialized with configs, and register global resources into resource. The implementation should set up the states of the component.

  • resources – A global resource register. User can register shareable resources here, for example, the vocabulary.

  • configs – The configuration passed in to set up this component.


Method to add output type record of NLTKNER which is ft.onto.base_ontology.EntityMention with attribute phrase_type to


record_meta – the field in the datapack for type record that need to fill in for consistency checking.


Method to add expected type ft.onto.base_ontology.Token` with attribute pos and ft.onto.base_ontology.Sentence which would be checked before running the processor if the pipeline is initialized with enforce_consistency=True or enforce_consistency() was enabled for the pipeline.


Stanza Processors

class fortex.stanza.StandfordNLPProcessor[source]
initialize(resources, configs)[source]

The pipeline will call the initialize method at the start of a processing. The processor and reader will be initialized with configs, and register global resources into resource. The implementation should set up the states of the component.

  • resources – A global resource register. User can register shareable resources here, for example, the vocabulary.

  • configs – The configuration passed in to set up this component.

classmethod default_configs()[source]

This defines a basic config structure for StanfordNLP.


Method to add output type record of current processor to


record_meta – the field in the datapack for type record that need to fill in for consistency checking.


HuggingFace Processors

class fortex.huggingface.ZeroShotClassifier[source]

Wrapper of the models on HuggingFace platform with pipeline tag of zero-shot-classification. This wrapper could take any model name on HuggingFace platform with pipeline tag of zero-shot-classification in configs to make prediction on the user specified entry type in the input pack and the prediction result goes to the user specified attribute name of that entry type in the output pack. User could input the prediction labels in the config with any word or phrase.

initialize(resources, configs)[source]

The pipeline will call the initialize method at the start of a processing. The processor and reader will be initialized with configs, and register global resources into resource. The implementation should set up the states of the component.

  • resources – A global resource register. User can register shareable resources here, for example, the vocabulary.

  • configs – The configuration passed in to set up this component.

classmethod default_configs()[source]

This defines a basic config structure for ZeroShotClassifier.

Following are the keys for this dictionary:
  • entry_type: defines which entry type in the input pack to make prediction on. The default makes prediction on each Sentence in the input pack.

  • attribute_name: defines which attribute of the entry_type in the input pack to save prediction to. The default saves prediction to the classification attribute for each Sentence in the input pack.

  • multi_class: whether to allow multiple class true

  • model_name: language model, default is “valhalla/distilbart-mnli-12-1”. The wrapper supports Hugging Face models with pipeline tag of zero-shot-classification.

  • candidate_labels: The set of possible class labels to classify each sequence into. Can be a single label, a string of comma-separated labels, or a list of labels. Note that for the model with a specific language, the candidate_labels need to be of that language.

  • hypothesis_template: The template used to turn each label into an NLI-style hypothesis. This template must include a {} or similar syntax for the candidate label to be inserted into the template. For example, the default template is "This example is {}." Note that for the model with a specific language, the hypothesis_template need to be of that language.

  • cuda_device: Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id.

Returns: A dictionary with the default config for this processor.


Method to add expected type ft.onto.base_ontology.Sentence which would be checked before running the processor if the pipeline is initialized with enforce_consistency=True or enforce_consistency() was enabled for the pipeline.


Method to add output type record of ZeroShotClassifier which is user specified entry type with user specified attribute name to


record_meta – the field in the datapack for type record that need to fill in for consistency checking.

class fortex.huggingface.QuestionAnsweringSingle[source]

Wrapper of the models on HuggingFace platform with pipeline tag of question-answering (reading comprehension). This wrapper could take any model name on HuggingFace platform with pipeline tag of question-answering in configs to make prediction on the context of user specified entry type in the input pack and the prediction result would be annotated as Phrase in the output pack. User could input the question in the config.

initialize(resources, configs)[source]

The pipeline will call the initialize method at the start of a processing. The processor and reader will be initialized with configs, and register global resources into resource. The implementation should set up the states of the component.

  • resources – A global resource register. User can register shareable resources here, for example, the vocabulary.

  • configs – The configuration passed in to set up this component.

classmethod default_configs()[source]

This defines a basic config structure for QuestionAnsweringSingle.

Following are the keys for this dictionary:
  • entry_type: defines which entry type in the input pack to make prediction on. The default makes prediction on each Document in the input pack.

  • model_name: language model, default is “ktrapeznikov/biobert_v1.1_pubmed_squad_v2”. The wrapper supports Hugging Face models with pipeline tag of question-answering.

  • question: One question to retrieve answer from the input pack context.

  • max_answer_len: The maximum length of predicted answers (e.g., only answers with a shorter length are considered).

  • cuda_device: Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id.

  • handle_impossible_answer: Whether or not we accept impossible as an answer.

Returns: A dictionary with the default config for this processor.


Method to add user specified expected type which would be checked before running the processor if the pipeline is initialized with enforce_consistency=True or enforce_consistency() was enabled for the pipeline.


Method to add output type record of QuestionAnsweringSingle which is “ft.onto.base_ontology.Phrase” to


record_meta – the field in the datapack for type record that need to fill in for consistency checking.

class fortex.huggingface.BERTTokenizer[source]

A wrapper of BERT tokenizer.

initialize(resources, configs)[source]

The pipeline will call the initialize method at the start of a processing. The processor and reader will be initialized with configs, and register global resources into resource. The implementation should set up the states of the component.

  • resources – A global resource register. User can register shareable resources here, for example, the vocabulary.

  • configs – The configuration passed in to set up this component.

classmethod default_configs()[source]

Returns a dict of configurations of the processor with default values. Used to replace the missing values of input configs during pipeline construction.


Method to add output type ft.onto.base_ontology.Subword of current processor BERTTokenizer to


record_meta – the field in the datapack for type record that need to fill in for consistency checking.

class fortex.huggingface.BioBERTNERPredictor[source]

An Named Entity Recognizer fine-tuned on BioBERT

Note that to use BioBERTNERPredictor, the ontology of Pipeline must be an ontology that include ft.onto.base_ontology.Subword and ft.onto.base_ontology.Sentence.

initialize(resources, configs)[source]

The pipeline will call the initialize method at the start of a processing. The processor and reader will be initialized with configs, and register global resources into resource. The implementation should set up the states of the component.

  • resources – A global resource register. User can register shareable resources here, for example, the vocabulary.

  • configs – The configuration passed in to set up this component.


The function that task processors should implement. Make predictions for the input data_batch.


data_batch (dict) – A batch of instances in our dict format.


The prediction results in dictionary form.

pack(data_pack, output_dict=None, context=None)[source]

Write the prediction results back to datapack by aggregating subwords into named entity mentions.

classmethod default_configs()[source]

Default config for NER Predictor


Method to add output type record of current processor to


record_meta – the field in the datapack for type record that need to fill in for consistency checking.


Method to add expected type ft.onto.base_ontology.Subword` with attribute is_first_segment and ft.onto.base_ontology.Sentence which would be checked before running the processor if the pipeline is initialized with enforce_consistency=True or enforce_consistency() was enabled for the pipeline.


Twitter Processors

class fortex.tweepy.TweetSearchProcessor[source]

TweetSearchProcessor is designed to query tweets with Tweepy and Twitter API. Tweets will be returned as datapacks in input multipack.

classmethod default_configs()[source]

This defines a basic config structure for TweetSearchProcessor. For more details about the parameters, refer to and


A dictionary with the default config for this processor.

Following are the keys for this dictionary:

  • “credential_file”:

    Defines the path of credential file needed for Twitter API usage.

  • “num_tweets_returned”:

    Defines the number of tweets returned by processor.

  • “lang”:

    Language, restricts tweets to the given language, default is ‘en’.

  • “date_since”:

    Restricts tweets created after the given date.

  • “result_type”:

    Defines what type of search results to receive. The default is “recent.” Valid values include:

    mixed : include both popular and real time results in the response

    recent : return only the most recent results in the response

    popular : return only the most popular results in the response.

  • “query_pack_name”:

    The query pack’s name, default is “query”.

  • “response_pack_name_prefix”:

    The pack name prefix to be used in response data packs.


Vader Processors

class fortex.vader.VaderSentimentProcessor[source]

A wrapper of a sentiment analyzer: Vader (Valence Aware Dictionary and Sentiment Reasoner). Vader needs to be installed to use this package

> pip install vaderSentiment


> pip install –upgrade vaderSentiment

This processor will add assign sentiment label to each sentence in the document. If the input pack contains no sentence then no processing will happen. If the data pack has multiple set of sentences, one can specify the set of sentences to tag by setting the sentence_component attribute.

Vader URL: (

Citation: VADER: A Parsimonious Rule-based Model for Sentiment Analysis of Social Media Text (by C.J. Hutto and Eric Gilbert)

initialize(resources, configs)[source]

The pipeline will call the initialize method at the start of a processing. The processor and reader will be initialized with configs, and register global resources into resource. The implementation should set up the states of the component.

  • resources – A global resource register. User can register shareable resources here, for example, the vocabulary.

  • configs – The configuration passed in to set up this component.

classmethod default_configs()[source]

This defines a basic config structure for VaderSentimentProcessor.


A dictionary with the default config for this processor.

Following are the keys for this dictionary:

  • “entry_type”:

    Defines which entry type in the input pack to make prediction on. The default makes prediction on each Sentence in the input pack.

  • “attribute_name”:

    Defines which attribute of the entry_type in the input pack to save score to. The default saves prediction to the sentiment attribute for each Sentence in the input pack.

  • “sentence_component”:

    str. If not None, the processor will process sentence with the provided component name. If None, then all sentences will be processed.


Method to add expected type ft.onto.base_ontology.Sentence which would be checked before running the processor if the pipeline is initialized with enforce_consistency=True or enforce_consistency() was enabled for the pipeline.